Lip augmentation, lip thickening

Lip augmentation may be performed for two main reasons:

  • The lips are originally too thin.
  • "Barcode wrinkles": With the age, due to atrophy of the lips, fine wrinkles appear on the vermilion border of the lips or on the skin around.


  1. Anaesthesia. Since the skin of the lips contains a large number of sensory nerve endings, the injection of the lip filler can be very painful. To prevent this, anaesthesia is used. Local anaesthesia is not an option because it makes the lips swollen, so it would be difficult to accurately measure out the amount of the filler necessary for the treatment. Therefore, so-called conduction anaesthesia is used, which directly affects the sensory nerve, in a similar manner to that of dentistry. Anaesthesia of the upper lip is achieved by injection in the mouth next to the gum, while the lower lip anaesthesia is performed with external injection on both sides of the chin. Anaesthesia is possible without injections, as well, in this case numbing cream is applied on the lips, which are taped for 20-30 minutes, although its efficacy is slightly lower.
  2. Filler administration. There are a number of substances in the market for lip augmentation. In the case of first intervention it is definitely worth using some temporary, dissolving substance to see what can be achieved with this method. The filler is delivered by a syringe into the skin of the lips. If the patient is satisfied with the result, after the absorption of the substance a longer lasting or permanent filler can also be administered.
  3. Follow-up therapy. After injection the lips may swell, become tender and sensitive. On the day of the administration ice packs should be carefully used to reduce swelling. After approximately 3 days the swelling goes down. Depending on the injected substance the lips might have their original shape and size initially, but in maximum two weeks the filler develops the permanent tissue, thickening the lips, and making wrinkles disappear.

Fillers used for lip augmentation at our clinic:


Hyaluronic acid and its derivatives are the most common substances. They are absorbed relatively "quickly" (in about 6 months), and are proven to be safe and effective. Their durability is increased with different chemical and physical methods, the half-life of certain products can even reach one year.

Acrylics: only their biodegradable versions are currently recommended for lip augmentation, their absorption takes 2-3 years. (Not used in our practice.)

The administration of the other fillers (e.g. hydroxyapatite, persistent acrylates, silicone oil) is not recommended for lips because of scarring, development of palpable nodules etc.


Depend on the type, quality and quantity of the substance to be administered. Therefore the set price is normally of 1 ml liquid implant along with its administration. Specific information about the prices can be found .here.

Type of surgery min. (€) max. (€)
Lip filling with hyaluron acid (1 ml) 300.- 400.-