

Liposuction (Latin name liposuctio) is a technique to remove fat deposits from under the skin in different parts of the body.

The physiological background of liposuction

Fortunately, apart from many “bad” qualities fat cells also have a good characteristic: they can no longer reproduce in an adult body. Weight gain is the result of “fat accumulation” in the existing cells. Therefore, after the removal of these cells the body does not develop fat deposits in that area. It is important to note that this is only valid for normal weight fluctuations. Experience has shown that in the case of extreme obesity, fat deposits can be developed in the areas that have previously undergone liposuction.

The applicability of liposuction

Liposuction does not substitute weight loss. Even in the case of a very “extensive” liposuction, only 2-3 kilograms of fat can be removed. Some of the fat that causes big "belly" can be found within the abdominal cavity, and, unfortunately, cannot be accessed with this method. Liposuction is applied in those areas of the body where fat deposits do not want to disappear in any way while the rest of the body is acceptable to the patient. Common areas from top to bottom: double chin, abdomen, "spare tyres," hip, buttocks area, the inner surface of thighs and knees, etc.

Liposuction and age

Although, strictly speaking, there is no upper age limit for liposuction, experience shows that above a certain age the results fall short of expectations. This is because the connective skin tissue loses flexibility and becomes saggy with aging. When fat cells are sucked out of them, skin laxity may increase, which spoils the aesthetic results. Therefore, over the age of 50 liposuction is hardly used in itself without additional surgery.

The procedure of liposuction

First, a small (approx. 1 cm) incision is made in the designated area. In the first stage of the procedure, the fat is loosened with a special liquid similar to the body's own fluids that are administered through a thin tube. Then, the fat tissue is "crushed" so that it can be sucked out through a thicker, 5-8 mm thick suction cannula. The liposuction can be facilitated by several methods such as using a special tube which transmits ultrasound vibrations within the body. With these techniques it is particularly important that the surgeon controls the amount and uniformity of the liposuction. At the end of the liposuction small incisions are closed with a single stitch, covered with a dressing, and compression garment must be worn around the treated area.

Anaesthesia for liposuction

Depending on the extent of the surgery different anaesthetic techniques can be applied. In the case of small liposuction (e.g. for both sides of the abdomen), local anaesthesia may suffice. In this case, the fluid itself used to loosen the tissue contains anaesthetic (mostly Lidocaine). In addition, the patient may receive mild general sedation. In the case of more extensive liposuction, general and epidural anaesthesia may be applied. After such surgery the patient should spend a night at the clinic.

Post-liposuction period

After the surgical intervention compression garment must be worn day and night, usually for 4-6 weeks. The stitches are removed after one week, until then the wounds cannot be exposed to water. After that clothes may be taken off for bathing.


ALiposuction may produce very impressive results. However, it is important that it is only carried out in properly selected cases, and that the patient complies with the regulations.

Price of liposuction

Type of surgery min. (€) max. (€)
Liposuction (small area) 800.- 1000.-
Liposuction (big area, anaesthesia) 2500.- 3500.-

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